
The predominant part of the population surrounding Kamobo survives on the minimum subsidence level. Many live below the poverty line and have to survive with the equivalent of 2 Euros per day. All activities of the Social Unit target exactly this part of the population. These men and women often work on different tea plantations as day laborers – with no social hedging. Within this context our social workers try to provide support for the community.

Social Care

Because these general conditions apply to many of the students and come with many challenges, the employees of the Social Unit work intensely not just in, but also outside the school in the community.  The Arbing meets Africa association, as well as the Kenyan staff, are dedicated to ensuring that all parents contribute to the non-profit school, despite all challenges. Families that face special hardships are being under the care of the Social Care Program, to enable them to do so.

Community seminars

Adult education has become an important component of the work conducted in Kenya. Many people in the surrounding areas were unable to attend school for much longer than a few years in their youth. Women were especially unable to get an education for many decades. Furthermore, practical elements like agriculture or health concerns like sex education or HIV-prevention were not part of the Kenyan curriculum. Because of that, knowledge regarding these topics is often scarce. The team leader of the Social Unit, Naomy, and her team analyzed the biggest gaps in knowledge and conduct different seminars throughout the year to try and close them. These seminars have tackled topics like health, agriculture, HIV prevention, women’s role in society, the importance of education and awareness regarding alcohol and drug misuse. Within the last years, over a thousand community members have been reached with four conducted seminars.

For more see News and Transparancy.